This section includes properties, functions and events for basic GUIs.
Examples at Scripting examples
Whether the GUI should follow the user or not
billBoardMode = 0 -> No billboard effect
billBoardMode = 1 -> Follows the user on the X axis (default)
billBoardMode = 2 -> Follows the user on the Y axis
eg: new Gui({billBoardMode:0})
- Returns: string, the GUI's unique id.
- Can be set. eg:
feature.id = 'myvoxId'
- Returns: string, the GUI's unique uuid.
- Returns: Feature, the parent feature
- Returns whether the GUI is shoing or not
- Returns: an array of guiControls.
- Returns an example of default control.
- Arguments:
- text (optional): a string,
- Id (optional): a string,
- positionInGrid (optional): An array of 2 integers, the first integer being the row number, and the second being the column number.
- Returns: a guiControl of the button type.
- Arguments:
- text (optional): a string,
- positionInGrid (optional): An array of 2 integers, the first integer being the row number, and the second being the column number.
- Returns: a guiControl of the text type.
- Arguments: a string
- Returns: a guiControl or Null
- Arguments: a string
- Returns: a guiControl or Null
- Arguments: an array of 2 integer.
- Returns: a guiControl or Null
This section includes properties, functions and events for basic GUIs.
- Returns: a FeatureBasicGui object, the parent GUI
- Returns: string, the guiControl's id.
- Can be set. eg:
control.id = 'myId'
- Returns: string, the guiControl's unique uuid.
- Returns: string, the type of guiControl
At the moment this can only return button
or text
- Returns: string, the text of the Text or Button control
- Returns: an Array of 2 integers, the position of the control in a grid.
Default is [0,0]
- Returns: an object with the basic information of the control.
- Useful for console.log in the grid
Update the control.